Rocks graphic organizer and vocabulary activities. Help your students learn and remember the important facts about rocks and the associated vocabulary.
Print out and laminate the graphic organizers for students to keep and use throughout your topic work. Use the vocabulary cut and stick activity at the beginning of the topic as an introduction/guide to their existing knowledge OR as an end of topic assessment.
Topic word cards for display and word search.
This product includes:
Graphic organizer - colour and black and white version
Vocabulary activity - cut and stick match words/pictures/definitions - colour and b/w
20 topic word cards for display
Word search
What a plant needs to grow well. Power Point and Activities. Year 3
Includes a 14 page power point that helps you teach children all they need to know about what a plant needs to grow healthy and strong.
Looks at 7 areas - light, water, warmth, soil, nutrients, space and air.
Please note this product looks at the fact that a plant uses light energy to make food but does NOT look at photosynthesis. This product is aimed at children aged 7-8 years old. Year 3/ Lower KS2
Printable activities:
Make a leaflet/foldable
Draw and label things a plant needs to grow
Plant needs - fill in the missing words
Descriptions of plant needs x 2 differentiated
Growing a plant experiment sheet - children choose their own variables to change (for example different types of soil/ light and no light etc
[] Parts Of A Plant
[] Pollination
[] Seed Dispersal
Water cycle poster, diagram, labelling activity and flap poster. Are you learning about the water cycle? This product could be just what you need.
It includes:
A colourful water cycle diagram plus a black and white version.
2 x differentiated labelling activity.
Colour and cut flap poster.
Includes US and UK spelling.
Four seasons picture lotto game for KS1 EYFS to help them learn about the seasons. EYFS year 1 year 2 science.
This is a lotto game with four playing boards and cards.
Each child has a board and children take it in turns to pick a card.
The first person to fill their board is the winner.
Each board depicts a season and the pictures relate to that season.
Sheets need printing, cutting out and laminating.
Fun way for children to learn about the four seasons.
Suitable for home learning
Animals Classification Lotto Game Year 1 or Year 2 Science.
Help children learn about animal classification with this fun lotto game.
Print, laminate and cut out.
Children will love playing this fun game, featuring real pictures and learn at the same time.
Use as part of your KS1 animals topic.
Suitable for home learning
Life Cycles Lotto Game
A fun way to teach children about life cycles.
Print out, cut out and laminate, should last for years!
Easy enough for children to play independently or play with an adult for extra input and support.
6 life cycles are included - frog, butterfly, bee, chicken, apple and sunflower.
Children have a board and need to collect the pictures for their life cycle and place them in the correct order.
Alternatively, these could be placed in continuous provision, in a science area, investigation area etc for children to complete.
Suitable for ages 3-7
Also suitable for home learning
Plants topic lotto game.
Perfect for children to use during your topic on plants.
Helps children to learn the language associated with the topic.
Suitable to be played independently in small groups or with an adult.
4 boards and 9 words for each board.
Simply print out, laminate and cut out.
Can be used time and again.
Suitable for year 1 or year 2
Spring reading comprehensions
Suitable for KS1 and northern hemisphere
Each comprehension is differentiated a minimum of 3 ways.
Each comprehension is linked to the topic of spring and begins with easy multiple choice questions.
Subjects included in this product -
Signs of spring - x 4 differentiated texts
Birds in spring - 4 differentiated texts
Animals in Spring -4 differentiated texts
Lambs -4 differentiated texts
Life cycle of a frog -3 differentiated texts
Life cycle of a sunflower -3 differentiated texts
How to plant a seed -3 differentiated texts
instructions to read and follow
Parts of a Flowering Plant. PPT and activities. Year 3
This products helps children to identify and describe the functions of the different parts of a flowering plant.
It includes a 6 slide teaching power point and 2 activities - label the plant (2 x differentiated) and describe functions (2 x differentiated)
plus template to make a flipbook.
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Water Transportation In Plants. Teaching Power Point and Activities.
Year 3
Help children learn about how water is transported around a plant and the role that water has in the health of a plant.
This product includes a 15 slide teaching power point, fun water transportation activity sheet and an experiment recording sheet for using cut flowers or celery to show how water travels through a plant.
It also includes a bonus word search for early finishers.
Other products in this series:
[] plants bundle year 3
[] what a plant needs to grow
[] pollination
[] seed disposal
Apple Day in the UK is 21st October.
This is a fun way to teach your class about the importance of traceability, buying local produce, healthy eating, environmental awareness, orchards and good old apples!
Why not organise your own class apple day? This pack gives you ideas for activities you could try.
Includes a powerpoint all about Apple Day
plus printable activities -
Life cycle of an apple activity
Label an apple activity
My apple investigation activity
colour and black and white versions of above.
Apple fact sheet activity
Tree template - children can paint/collage an apple blossom tree or apple tree.
Suitable for KS1
Animal Classification Activity KS1. Are you learning about animal classification?
Use these print and go activities to teach children about animal characteristics and classification. Print and go activities for easy use. Can be used for group work, working in pairs or individually. Can be used as assessment at the end of a unit, a stand alone lesson or ongoing in a topic.
Activities Include:
Real life pictures for sorting -
Labels included.
Cut put pictures and labels - children can then work in groups to sort the pictures.
2 animal classification fact sheets - one words/one pictures.
Sorting activity - sort statements to correct class (for example “I have feathers and am warm blooded.”)
Writing activity - draw an animal from each class and describe characteristics.
Adult and baby matching cards. Use these adult and baby cards in a variety of ways. Can be used as a science based ‘find a partner’ activity. Don’t waste any more valuable time getting children into pairs. Simply hand out the cards and the two children with matching parent and baby are now partners. Children will learn the names of animals and their young at the same time! A spare choose your own family card is included for odd numbers.
These cards can also be used in a variety of other ways -
As a matching game
In science centres
To play snap
To play pairs
As display cards
There are 15 pairs (30 cards altogether) plus an egg card for odd number and labels.
All about Winter 20 page PPT plus 30 pages of print and go activities.
Winter activities, worksheets, comprehensions. Suitable for year 1.
PPT covers what and when is winter, winter solstice, why it is cold and dark in winter, what happens to animals, plants and trees in winter, signs of winter.
Print and Go Activities:
How I keep warm in winter
Signs of winter
Winter walk signs of winter tick list
Winter comprehension x 2 differentiated
Winter fact sheet - blank for children to complete
Migrate or hibernate cut and paste sorting activity
Winter or summer cut and paste sorting activity
Winter or spring cut and paste sorting activity
Winter or autumn/fall cut and paste sorting activity
Label the winter clothes x 2
Draw suitable winter clothes
Write sentences to match the winter scene
Make an all about winter book
20 word cards for display
Winter word search for early finishers
All about the Arctic activities and power point for KS1. Students will love learning all about the Arctic with these fun, interactive, print and go activities and teaching power point. Everything you need to teach this topic.
The Power Point discusses where the Arctic is, the environment, adaptation and animals that live there - polar bear, Arctic fox, Arctic wolf, walrus, snowy owl and Arctic hare. No prep, print and go activities to save you time, word cards for display, word search for early finishers and fun bookmarks to make. Activities are differentiated for inclusion.
Printable activities include:
Label the Arctic animals
Am I a carnivore, omnivore or herbivore?
Label the animal babies
What would you need in the Arctic?
Mark the Arctic on a map
Compare the Arctic to where you live
Label a polar bear
How animals have adapted
Blank fact sheet for children to complete
8 labelled pictures for display.
Word cards for display
Make a bookmark - colour and b&w versions
Wordsearch for early finishers.
Each activity is differentiated two ways for use across the year groups.
The activities cover many of the outcomes required by the National Curriculum for KS1 science.
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Winter Year 1
Adult and baby animals. Learn all about baby animals and their parents with these fun, print and go activities and teaching power point.
Are you teaching children about baby animals and their parents? Maybe you are looking at animal babies as part of a Spring topic? These animal babies activities and power point could be just what you are looking for . Suitable for children aged 5-7.
Includes sorting and lifecycle activities, two options for making a book, real pictures for sorting and matching and coloring activities.
Lifecycles for use in centers - print, cut out and laminate boards and cards. Perfects for students to match and order independently.
This Product Includes:
PPT on adults and their offspring
Real life pictures for sorting and matching
Match adults and their babies - differentiated
Sorting activity - live babies or eggs
Coloring activities
Make a baby animals on the farm book
Make a book mark
Cut and paste lifecycle activities - chicken, butterfly, penguin and squirrel
Make a concertina book
Life cycle activity for centres - print out and laminate life cycles for students to use in centres.
Are you celebrating World Bee Day? Or just learning about bees? This bee lapbook and bee Power Point could be just what you need. This product includes an informational Power Point - no need for you to spend time researching. The Power Point also has editable text.
Plus a fun and engaging lapbook for your students to make. This comes in a colour and a black and white version. It also includes easy to follow instructions and activities for early finishers.
Ideal for grades KS2
This product includes:
33 slide Power Point -
World Bee Day
Why are bees important?
How can we help?
Bee products
Parts of a bee
Fun Facts
Lapbook - Colour & b/w versions
incudes information on:
Bee products
Fun Facts
Life cycle
Steps of pollination
Early finishers -
make a bookmark
colouring page
Are you learning all about Spring in the northern hemisphere? Then this could be the product for you. This product helps children to observe the changes that happen around them as winter turns into spring. The activities are print and go for your ease and also includes a simple teaching Power Point. Children will love completing these fun, interactive activities, keeping them engaged and on task. This product is great for use as part of an ongoing seasonal changes topic.
Also included are word cards and real life pictures for display.
Included in this product:
Power point discussing changes that happen in spring.
printable activities -
Spring checklist (for use on a spring walk)
What happens in spring x2
Adults/baby animals picture matching
Tree in spring collage
Spring/autumn sorting activity
Spring/winter sorting activity
Life cycle colouring
Life cycle of a chicken x2
Words/Pictures matching activity
Draw a spring scene
Label the spring clothes x 2
Draw spring clothes
Write about the spring scene
Make a book about Spring
14 Display pictures with labels
Word cards for display
Spring colouring sheet for early finishers
50 four seasons of the year - spring, summer, autumn and winter - themed worksheets for KS1 and homeschool. These print and go worksheets include sorting, labelling, sequencing, life cycles and more! These no prep activities are ideal for centres, early morning work, early finishers, homework, supplies and homeschoolers.
There are 12 worksheets for each season, plus 2 for all four seasons.
Answers included where appropriate.
Worksheets Included:
Colouring sheet
Spring senses
Spring / autumn sorting activity - cut and stick
Daffodil life cycle - cut and stick
Label the baby animals - cut and stick
Label Easter items - cut and stick
Spring blossom - art activity
Spring walk checklist
Collect the colours of the rainbow - nature walk
Colour by numbers
How to grow a flower - sequencing
Wordsearch and label
Colouring sheet
Label ocean animals and plants
Beach roll and colour game
Label the fruit salad fruits
Ice cream maths
Keeping safe in the sun colouring
Raspberry plant life cycle - cut and stick
Summer activities
Summer/winter sort - cut and stick
How to build a sandcastle - sequencing
Order the growth of a sunflower - cut and stick
Wordsearch and label
Colouring sheet
My leaf
Label the autumn pictures - cut and stick
Fall senses
Autumn leaves collage
Fruit or vegetable sort - cut and stick
Float or sink science activity
Life cycle of a turkey - cut and stick
Apple life cycle - cut and stick
Signs of fall walk checklist
How to make a Jack O’ Lantern sequencing
Wordsearch and label
Colouring sheet
Design a snow globe
All about winter
Hot or cold sort - cut and stick
What should I wear?
Pine tree life cycle - cut and stick
Do I hibernate? sorting - cut and stick
How to make Christmas cookies - sequencing
How to build a snowman - sequencing
Label a polar bear
Label signs of winter - cut and stick
Wordsearch and label
Four Seasons
Colour and label the seasons
Make a seasons book mark
Growth and change in animals including humans. Suitable for year 2. Teaching Power Point and print and go activities. This product looks at the stages of life, how humans grow and change, timelines and life cycles of humans and animals. Included in this product:
13 slide teaching PPT
Frog and butterfly life cycle - 2 x differentiated
Draw a lifecycle
Baby and adult drawing activity x 2 differentiated
Baby and child x 2 differentiated
Live young or eggs? Cut and stick activity
Parent and baby animals matching activity
Animal baby and names matching activity
Human timeline cut and paste activity x 2 differentiated (color and b/w)
Draw human timeline
Human life cycle x 2 differentiated cut and stick activity
Draw human lifecycle x 2 differentiated
Describe stages of human lifecycle x 2 differentiated
Similarities between adult and offspring - human/dog
Picture cards of human stages
Real life picture cards for sorting and matching
Make a life cycle wheel - choice of butterfly, human, penguin
Bonus - 2 colouring pages for early finishers
US and UK spellings included
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